Hartmut Rhein Commissioner for Churches, Religious and Ideological Communities of the State of Berlin and Advisor Eva-Maria Di Noia of the Berlin Senate hosted an online meeting with members of the Board of Religions for Peace Europe on Thursday 10th February 2022.

The meeting launched a partnership project: Metropolitan Regions Project.

The Metropolitan Regions Project’s objectives are the development of a European network of metropolises, and adjoining metropolitan regions, the project aims to:

  • Make more visible to a wider audience the evident advantages of religious communities for the common good, peace and sustainability in urban development.
  • Create a structured network of European metropolitan regions, and adjoining metropolitan regions, in order to create a mechanism for sharing vital information on the transformational and cultural potential of religious communities for peace, sustainability, and democratic urban development.
  • Help facilitate a conceptual dialogue between more secular and more religious life orientations and worldviews, with the intention of exploring the values of both for future societies and communities.

This project will also help showcase the wider societal benefits of interfaith cooperation and the potential for multifaith peace making.

For more information about the project, contact Project Officer Johanna Tannen: Johanna.Tannen@RfPEurope.org